Professors’ lazy thinking not the answer for problems plaguing Ohio universities

June 30, 2024

A recent article in The Columbus Dispatch cited Leadership Matters, the lastest book authored by Academic Innovator’s Managing Principals, Brian Mitchell and Joseph King. The article,
“Professors’ lazy thinking not the answer for problems plaguing Ohio universities,” calls out the shortcomings of a recent guest column by three retired professors. The piece’s author, Denison University professor Jeff Kurtz, asserts the guest column was “devoid of the context, nuance and imagination arguments about higher education in Ohio deserve.” Kurtz references Leadership Matters in a section discussing what is required to make shared governance successful.

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This work will not be easy. It will take time. And it cannot be legislated.

Campus stakeholders must invest time and energy to understand financial processes, market forces and the cultural weight bearing down on our fundamental mission.

As two college presidents, W. Joseph King and Brian C. Mitchell remarked, “While [no one on a college campus] relishes more meetings, the reality is that shared governance depends on the willingness of the governors to devote time and energy to the process [of meaningful change].”

You can find the full article here on The Columbus Dispatch.